You can access the lecture slides here.
(dlc-1.2) Basics of Tensors and an example
tl;dr: Basics of Tensors
[Tensor basics-codes] [Linear Regression-codes] [slides]
(dlc-2.2) ML Concepts - Over and underfitting
tl;dr: Quick visit to ML concepts - Over and Underfitting
[Model Capacity-codes] [slides]
(dlc-2.3) ML Concepts - Bias and Variance Trade-off
tl;dr: Quick visit to ML concepts - Bias & Variance Trade-off
[Model Capacity-codes] [slides]
(dlc-3.6) Backprop beyond MLP and Autograd
tl;dr: Computational graph and Automatic Differentiation
[Codes - Autograd and MLP training] [slides]
(dlc-5.1) Cross-entropy loss
tl;dr: Cross-entropy used for training classifiers
[Codes - Cross-entropy] [slides] -
(dlc-6.2) Rectifiers and Dropout
tl;dr: Some of the important regularizers for training DNNs
(dlc-7.1) Transposed Convolutions
tl;dr: Transformation for increasing the signal dimension in DNNs
(dlc-7.3) Denoising Autoencoders
tl;dr: Autoencoders for learning the dependencies among the signal components.
(dlc-8.1) Recurrent Neural Networks
tl;dr: Neural Networks to handle inputs of variable lengths and that have memory.
[Elman Network] [slides]